Let us help find your new location in Northeastern Pennsylvania

Let us help find your
new location
in Northeastern PA


Site Selection

Penn's Northeast is your direct connection to establishing your business in Northeastern Pennsylvania!

As your dedicated point of contact, Penn's Northeast assists brokers, site selectors, and companies with all aspects of location and site selection. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including:


Real Estate Options

Discover a variety of land and building options tailored to your business needs. Whether you're seeking existing facilities, land to develop, or build-to-suit solutions, Penn's Northeast has access to prime properties in key industrial and business parks, strategically located for optimal growth.


Workforce & Employee Recruitment

Tap into our extensive network to find and attract top talent. We partner with local workforce agencies and educational institutions to connect your business with skilled workers across various industries, ensuring your recruitment needs are met quickly and effectively.


Financial Incentives

Access a range of financial incentives, including grants, tax credits, and low-interest loans, to help reduce your costs. Penn's Northeast will guide you through the process of securing the funding and benefits that can enhance your business investment.


Additional Assistance

We provide personalized support throughout the site selection process, offering help with permitting, zoning, and connecting you to key local resources. Our goal is to ensure a seamless transition, so your business can hit the ground running in Northeastern Pennsylvania.


Our region boasts more than 27 industrial and business parks, offering a wide range of land and building options available to fit your needs!

Buildings icon

Looking for land to lease or purchase? existing buildings or build-to-suit options?
We have it all!


Our Process

1. Contact Us

Send us an email with your specific search parameters, and within a few hours, we’ll provide a comprehensive search of all available options across our eight-county region.
Rest assured, the entire process is handled with complete confidentiality.

2. We send you options

After reviewing the available sites, we’ll assist in gathering additional information, including utilities, zoning, and demographics.
We’ll also connect you with local workforce providers to ensure a smooth transition for your business.


Only a call or click away!
Contact Us Today!


Major Employers

Join the many companies that have already discovered the advantages of doing business in Northeastern Pennsylvania!

Our region’s strategic location, dedicated workforce, and low operational costs are just a few of the key benefits that have attracted major employers to NEPA.


These companies are located in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Your company should be here, too!

Northeastern Pennsylvania company logos
Affordable utilities icon
Affordable & Reliable Utilities  
Location icon
Strategic Location  
Incentives icon
Wide Range of Incentives  

Our Incentives

At Penn's Northeast, we connect your company with all the available incentives in our region!

We partner with local, state, and federal agencies on your behalf. The PA Department of Community & Economic Development offers grants, loans, and tax incentives tailored to your needs.

A standout program is WEDnetPA, which provides grant funding to help qualified employers train new and existing employees, keeping skills up-to-date and businesses competitive. There are also numerous federal programs available.

Contact us at 1.800.317.1313 to explore the right incentives for your project!


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