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Wilkes-Barre, PA -
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Monday, Aug. 29 to mark the relocation of Travelocity's Sales and Customer Care Center to its new location in the Hanover Industrial Estates in Hanover Township. An open house was also held for agents and members of the community, who wish to attend.
Lesley Harris, vice president of call center operations, and Demitra Xidas, general manager of sales conducted the ceremony, which included Michelle Peluso, Travelocity President and CEO; U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Nanticoke, state Rep. John Yudichak, D-Nanticoke; Stephen Barrouk, president/CEO of the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Industry; Travelocity employees and members of the community.
The Texas-based Online travel company - which employs 240 people locally - came to the region in 1997, where it set up shop on River Street in Plains Township. The company moved in June after its lease at the former Kingdom Vacations building expired. The state-of-the-art site, located at 1061 Hanover Street in the Hanover Industrial Estates is approximately 30,000 square feet, and allowed for the hire of 60 new employees.
“We were happy to stay in the area. Congressman Kanjorski was very helpful in assisting us in our search for a new facility,” Xidas said. “We are very happy in our new location. We have terrific hardworking employees and we wanted them to be happy. Our environment suits our employees - professional, productive and warm and friendly.”
Owned by Sabre Holdings, Travelocity employees 2,300 people nationally and has its Global Headquarters in Southlake, Texas. There are additional offices in San Francisco, New York, North Palm Beach, Las Vegas and San Antonio.
The Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Industry and its affiliates are community, economic development and business service organizations charged with the mission of collaborating with community and regional partners to create quality employment and business opportunities and improve the area's quality of life through strategic planning, programs and investments in our community.
At the ribbon cutting ceremony, first row, from left, are: Demitra Xidas, general manager of sales; Peluso, Travelocity President and CEO; U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Nanticoke; Ross Montione, vice president partner marketing; Stephen Barrouk, president/CEO of the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Industry.